About Thrive Medical

It’s time to find freedom from pain so you can start living again.

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Your pain is complicated, frustrating and often invisible to friends and loved ones, but that doesn’t make it any less real. That’s why it’s our job–and passion—to understand the source of your pain and provide you with effective, long-lasting relief.

Imagine your life without pain. It is possible and we can help.

The skilled team of specialists at Thrive Medical of East Long Island, NY use a comprehensive approach to care, which means we look at each aspect of your life to find out which activities, habits or conditions are contributing to or exacerbating your pain.

Meet the Thrive team of professionals!

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State-of-the-Art Diagnostics

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Personalized Treatment Plan

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Long-term, Pain-free Goals

Our unique 3-step process gives us the opportunity to perform a full diagnostic procedure to uncover the source of your pain. From there, our medical team will develop a unique, personalized and individualized treatment plan—so you can get back to doing the things you love.

Call your nearest Thrive Clinic to schedule an appointment.